Anatomy Lessons of the Great Masters book cover
ISBN 13: 0-8230-0281-0
Pages: 272
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11″
Publisher: Watson-Guptill

Anatomy Lessons from the Great Masters (test)

100 Great Master Figure Drawings Analyzed
by Robert Beverly Hale & Terence Coyle
Robert Beverly Hale
Robert Beverly Hale became a legend as the world’s most famous teacher of artistic anatomy and drawing. For forty years he presented his great lecture series to capacity audiences at the Art Students League of New York. His famous lectures on drawing, illustrated with life-size drawings created by him on the spot, have had an international audience.

Terence Coyle carries on the Hale lectures and teaches painting and drawing atht eh Art Students League of New York. For 19 years, Coyle also gave the Hale Lectures at the National Academy of Design, School of Fine Arts in New York

A brief excerpt from the book…

The beginner must understand that there is much, much more to drawing than just a full knowledge of anatomy. Otherwise, any medical man could create a first-rate drawing, which he cannot. The reason he cannot is that he is not aware that his splendid knowledge of anatomy must be related to all the other conventions and elements of drawing. In fact, the anatomy must frequently be subordinated to these other factors. If you wish to be a fully trained artist, all these conventions and elements must be so fully learned that, like anatomy, they may be instinctively expressed.

—Robert Beverly Hale, New York, May 1977

About this book…

This classic 1977 book (paperback edition, ©2000), whose foremost author was one of the great artistic anatomy teachers of the twentieth century, is an invaluable instructor and reference guide for any professional, amateur, or student artist who depicts the human form.

The book reveals the drawing principles behind one hundred inspiring masterpieces, including works by Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rubens, Raphael, Titian, Rembrandt, and other greats. These superb portrayers of figures knew that the secret of drawing them was seeing how underlying bone and muscle structures mold the body’s surface forms. Readers are shown how to learn from these great examples as the authors guide them through all the steps they would take in a life class or studio working with live models.