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[author] Allan Kraavanger

The influence of the skull is visible under every head if you look for it. The basic structure of every head is determined by the structure and proportions of the underlying skull.

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[author] Robert Beverly Hale & Terence Coyle

This classic 1977 book (paperback edition, ©2000), whose foremost author was one of the great artistic anatomy teachers of the twentieth century, is an invaluable instructor and reference guide for any professional, amateur, or student . . .

[author] Anthony Ryder

Demonstrates a three-step drawing method exploring outline, contour, and the capture of light, volume, and mass. Many of us want to learn ”how to draw“; but as artist Anthony Ryder explains, it‘s much more important . . .

[author] Anna Held Audette

What art student doesn’t groan at the hackneyed problems too often assigned in art classes, such as a still life, chianti bottles, old chairs, and large cloths draped over the whole scene? Here, in the . . .

[author] Lee Hammond

Turn your candid snapshots into remarkable artwork that truly captures the personality of your cherished animals. In Drawing Realistic Pets from Photographs, you’ll find foolproof instructions that will have you creating impressive drawings in no . . .

[author] Bert Dodson

Anyone who can hold a pencil can learn to draw. In this book, Dodson shares his complete drawing system—fifty-five “keys” that you can use to render and subject with confidence, even if you’re a beginner. . . .